Tuesday, September 11, 2012

If I Could Reach The Face Of God

by Sandra Conner

If I could reach the face of God,

I'd plant a tender kiss.
I'd wrap my arms around His neck
In such a sweet embrace.

I'd whisper in His ear
The words of love my heart cannot contain.

Oh ...

If I could reach
To kiss the face of God.

© Sandra Conner


  1. I love your poems Sandra! I like them all, but my favorite is "If I Could Reach The Face Of God". Someday...:)

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The Lord actually gave this to me as a song one day a few years ago when I was in worship. He has given me many, and I hope I can share more of them on this poetry site. And yes, one day we WILL touch His face and cover it with kisses. I'm so ready for that day!


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