Friday, May 3, 2013

National Poetry Month Challenge - Day 30 'Adieu Dear April'

For the final day of the National Poetry Writing Month challenge, I departed from my pattern. Every other day that I wrote, I followed the prompt faithfully.  But on the last day -- especially since Maureen had made it clear that the prompts were merely optional suggestions -- I decided to ignore the prompt and write what I felt. It seemed a fitting close to this challenging and inspiring week. 
More than 2000 poets from around the world took part in this adventure, and I thank Maureen Thorson for working so hard and so faithfully to provide us such a wonderful opportunity. I look forward eagerly to April of 2014.

Dear April, I bid you adieu.
It has been great fun.
To play so with meter and rhyme,
Though no prize I've won.
Still, you're the most challenging month;
You've stirred up my muse.
And most of the poems I've composed
I can put to use.
I've gone to great lengths to match prompts,
Called up gifts by command;

Stretched self to plumb depths still unreached

To create on demand.
So, April and NaPoWriMo,
I appreciate you.
And fondly, till next poets' month,
I bid you adieu!
To visit the site and connect with the poets who took part, you may visit this link:

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