Friday, May 3, 2013

National Poetry Month Challenge - Day 29 - 'To Love'

A poem using at least five foreign words: That was the prompt for day 29 of the National Poetry Writing challenge. 
Now, since the first foreign language I actually studied was Latin, I felt it was only right to start with that. Then in my college years, I switched to French, so I felt obligated to throw in a little of that as well. And ... since I am an English teacher, it seemed quite appropriate that I use a verb conjugation as my format. Hope it gives you a smile today:
Amo: I love;
Amas: You love;

Amat: He loves;

And love, it makes the world go round, n'ecst-ce pas?
Amamus: We love;
Amatis: You love;

Amant: They love;

Mai oui, there's love enough to bless us all!
There's still time to join the fun for the last day of April:

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