The prompt for Day 13 was to take a walk and incorporate the elements of that walk into a poem.
The sun is playing hide and seek with clouds
Along the river.
The clouds are gray, but friendly, soft, and free
Along the river.
Along the river.
The clouds are gray, but friendly, soft, and free
Along the river.
I move unhampered by the flirting breeze
Along the river,
Breathing deeply of the moistened earth
Along the river.
Along the river,
Breathing deeply of the moistened earth
Along the river.
Quiet now invades my mind and soul
Along the river.
I'm letting go of tumbling, troubled thoughts
Along the river.
Along the river.
I'm letting go of tumbling, troubled thoughts
Along the river.
My past recedes; my future quiet rests
Along the river,
And water speaks to waters deep within,
Along the river.
Along the river,
And water speaks to waters deep within,
Along the river.
I sit and contemplate historic days
Along the river:
The generations served by this same stream
Along the river.
Along the river:
The generations served by this same stream
Along the river.
And sense that I belong to something great
Along the river:
A part of something bigger than myself
Along the river.
Along the river:
A part of something bigger than myself
Along the river.
And far beyond my power to understand,
Along the river,
An elemental knowing I am known --
And I am loved --
By the Creator of the river.
Along the river,
An elemental knowing I am known --
And I am loved --
By the Creator of the river.
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