Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Poem of 4 Vowels

(I originally wrote this poem for one of my WordPress blogs in response to a writing challenge. WordPress challenged us to write a post (either prose or poetry) using only 25 of the letters of the English alphabet. They then upped the challenge by suggesting that if we were brave, the letter we left out would be a vowel. So this little poem was my response.)
A Poem of 4 Vowels
Sometimes I write too long.
Sometimes I write too short.
Sometimes I write to make a point.
Sometimes I write for sport.
Now WordPress challenged me
To write a post that's strange.
Cannot be done the easy way.
I have to make a change.
They say only twenty-five
Of letters are allowed.
And if I'm brave they then insist
That I leave off a vowel!
So in this little poem,
One vowel I'll avoid.
I hope it won't be sorely missed,
And my good name destroyed.
Let's see, what can I choose?
There's only five to start.
Oh, my, this is a challenge real.
WordPress, please have a heart!
Okay, I've made my choice.
So happy I can be.
The vowel I've chosen to ignore
Lives between 'T' and 'V'.
~ ~ ~

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